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The Runner’s Mechanic Process
This is the process of identifying the specific ROOT CAUSE of symptoms, and implementing the correct course of treatment to advance physiological healing while decreasing pain. A comprehensive evaluation is performed for all clients involving a multi-faceted physical exam and a discussion of all prior history leading up to the current symptoms. A plan is formulated as a SOLUTION for both the immediate resolution of symptoms and a long term plan against future injury.
The feeling of loss is one of the most difficult issues for a person who can no longer participate in the activities they once enjoyed. The immediate goal of the first session is to create a STRATEGY for the client to resume an appropriate level of activity again, monitor pain levels, and still allow healing to progress throughout their rehabilitation. The premise of treatment is to apply the appropriate loads of strengthening and manual soft tissue therapy to allow injured structures to once again generate force for movement and function.
It is paramount at The Runner’s Mechanic PT Clinic that the client RETURNS to the level of activity, and/or the environment for that activity, with a feeling of knowledge and empowerment regarding their symptoms.The activity is based on someone’s specific goals.With many runners, this is returning to a specific phase of training they may have been starting before derailed by injury. During this phase there is an established plan of action, and the patient can stay in contact with the therapist or schedule intermittent “tune-up” sessions to allow a smooth transition. This allows guidance and security for a client as activity increases and treatment sessions decrease.
Biomechanical analysis and treatment sessions for runners to profile their running form, efficiency, and individual characteristics including strength, flexibility, and alignment. This running analysis is meant for runners of all ages and levels. High school athletes, seniors, recreational joggers, and elite-level runners are all very appropriate for this type of evaluation. It is also a very unique experience where a runner can learn more about himself or herself as an athlete, and understand good habits as runners to use throughout their lives.
General Physical Therapy
Comprehensive evaluation and treatment sessions for anyone experiencing pain or limitation with normal everyday activities or postures. Ideal for many different types of athletes such as road cyclists, mountain bikers, rock climbers, and those who attend various weight lifting gyms. Most orthopedic conditions of joint and muscle pain, spanning from mild to severe, are addressed with treatments appropriate and comfortable for each client. Less general conditions such as foot/ankle pain, wrist/hand pain, headaches, and chronic post-surgical pain are also commonly seen.